
  1. 3. helps repair tissues
  2. 4. keep your muscles and nervious system working
  3. 5. should have 20 35 grams a day
  4. 7. Lower triglcerides
  5. 9. this is what your body uses to repair and maintain itself
  6. 10. help build bones
  7. 14. Provides certain fatty acids that your body cant provide
  8. 15. caused by vitamin d defincency
  9. 16. Vitamin C prevents this
  10. 17. To much of this can be harmful
  11. 18. body's main source of energy
  12. 20. this can effect your heart
  13. 21. Helps your body produce energy
  14. 22. helps transport oxygen
  1. 1. associated with high risk of diabetes
  2. 2. quick energy source
  3. 6. promotes cell growth
  4. 8. longer lasting energy source
  5. 11. may increase your cholesterol
  6. 12. helps your immune system
  7. 13. disolvable in water
  8. 18. help build strong bones
  9. 19. combitnation of most b vitamins
  10. 21. protection of blood cells