
  1. 4. the written, organized, and compiled form of the criminal laws of a jurisdiction
  2. 6. an offense punishable by incarceration, usually in jail, typically one year or less
  3. 7. theory, human DNA, environmental contaminants, eating intake, personality disorders, defective mental processes, often occurring in early childhood
  4. 14. part of the biological theory, the thought that the study of bodily constitution might reflect personality.
  5. 15. an amendment,The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses,papers, and effects guarded against unreasonable search and seizure
  6. 16. a type of justification, the protection of oneself or of one's property from unlawful injury or from the immediate risk of unlawful injury.
  7. 17. a type of law based on the body of judicial precedent, historically built on legal reasoning and past interpretations of statutory laws
  8. 18. theory, behavior is predetermined, and is constitutionally or genetically based.
  9. 20. offered by defendants who find themselves forced to choose between "two evils."
  10. 22. criminal law seeks this
  11. 23. an amendment, excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments
  12. 24. an amendment, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury
  13. 26. civil law seeks this
  14. 27. the body of law originating from usage and custom rather than from written statutes
  1. 1. the branch of modern law that governs relationships between parties
  2. 2. when are crimes most committed?
  3. 3. theory, group dynamics, group organization, & subgroup relationships, form the casual nexus out of which crime develops; the structure of society & relative degree of social organization or disorganization contribute to criminal behavior, crime is learned.
  4. 5. the written or codified law, "the law on the books"
  5. 6. rule for determining insanity that asks whether the defendant knew what he/she was doing and if it was wrong
  6. 8. the part of law that defines crimes and specifies punishments
  7. 9. theory, people freely choose to engage in crime "rational" "freewill", focused on the crime not the criminal, punishment= swift,certain,& severe
  8. 10. the 1st step in the criminal justice system
  9. 11. a rule of conduct, generally found enacted in the form of a statute, that proscribes or mandates certain forms of behavior
  10. 12. the part of law that specifies the methods to be used in enforcing substantive law
  11. 13. an amendment, guarantees you do not have to testify against yourself in court, no "double jeopardy"
  12. 19. the state of mind that accompanies a criminal act
  13. 21. the body of rules and regulations that define nature of and punishments for offenses, also called penal law
  14. 25. a criminal offense punishable by death or at least a year in prison