
  1. 1. Hair over the eyes
  2. 4. Opposite to customer
  3. 5. A person who saw something (used in court)
  4. 7. unknown vehicle in the sky
  5. 8. Used with uncountable nouns
  6. 12. To care for
  7. 13. To search
  8. 15. Used with countable nouns
  1. 2. Christian religious ceremony of sprinkling water on to a person's forehead
  2. 3. Verb when we say bad language
  3. 5. Past of to wear
  4. 6. To research
  5. 9. Vehicle with no wheels that goes on land and water
  6. 10. Verb used when we ask "Do you think it is a good idea if I...?"
  7. 11. To be hirsute
  8. 14. Verb used when asking permission