Revision crossword (2023 march)

  1. 3. a person, place, thing, or phenomenon that you are trying to measure in some way
  2. 5. behaviour patterns that are typical of specific groups (two words)
  3. 7. the researcher who conducted a study about neural pruning
  4. 8. widely held generalization about a group of people
  5. 9. "____ measures design" is a research method in which multiple experimental groups are used and participants are only in one group
  6. 12. "in group _____" a pattern of favoring members of one's in-group over out-group members
  7. 13. Who came up with Social Identity Theory?
  8. 14. Discriminating against people because of their gender
  9. 15. preconceived opinion that is not based on actual fact/reasoning
  1. 1. Neural pruning increases the ____ of the brain
  2. 2. an agonist that is used as treatment of Parkinson disease
  3. 4. part of the neuron which is blocked by antogonist
  4. 6. "_____ measures design" that used in M. Sherif's experiment
  5. 10. The researcher who created the concept of conformity
  6. 11. the gap between the neurons