Revision Crossword

  1. 2. I absolutely _______ cooking.
  2. 4. We visited a _________ little town near the coast and it was a lovely experience.
  3. 5. What do you ______ for lunch today?
  4. 7. I'm not that ______ football.
  5. 9. It was a ________ performance by the actor and he won an Oscar
  6. 11. It was a _______ experience that I never want to relive.
  7. 12. The food was _______, not the best but not too bad.
  1. 1. It brings me great ____ to play music.
  2. 3. The C1 students were so _________ about learning new vocabulary.
  3. 6. I'm not that ______ on Irish food.
  4. 8. I'm mainly ________ in modern art.
  5. 10. The film was complete _______, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.