Revision - Food

  1. 3. process of increasing productivity of a farm
  2. 5. this is a preferred quality of GM crops as they no longer get attacked nor destroyed
  3. 6. this state-of-the-art and modern food production method is used in Singapore
  4. 9. this butterfly species died after eating milkweed tainted by GM crops
  5. 11. inadequate food consumption can lead to this economic effect
  6. 12. movement started in the 1960s to spearhead changes and improvements in food production
  7. 14. this land practice is often done between S Korea and Madagascar as a strategy to reduce food shortage problems in S Korea
  8. 16. this food situation determines amount of food consumed especially in LDCs
  9. 17. one of the physical factors affecting food production
  10. 20. this aspect of the economy usually worsens when food consumption is too high or too low
  11. 27. GAFSP carried out many successful projects in this African country
  12. 28. this environmental problem worldwide is partly responsible for increased food shortage
  13. 31. a country where high-yielding varieties were used widely
  14. 32. whether a farm produces for commercial or _ purposes can determine the intensity of food production
  15. 33. this method of using land can affect how much food a farm can produce
  16. 34. this socio-cultural factor can also influence food consumption
  17. 36. practice of ensuring that farmers and workers are paid justly
  18. 39. another name of GM crops
  19. 40. a popular GM crop
  20. 41. acronym for one of the biggest international organisations involved in managing food problems around the world
  21. 42. this health condition occurs when there is excessive food consumption
  22. 43. a big concern over the consumption of GM food
  1. 1. this must increase in order for purchasing power to increase
  2. 2. as countries develop, the consumption of this food type increases greatly
  3. 4. the consumption of this food type as a % of total food intake is often used as an indicator of food consumption
  4. 7. GDP stands for gross _ product
  5. 8. GDP is usually measured on this basis
  6. 10. one of the BRIC countries in the northern hemisphere
  7. 13. a negative impact of intensified food production
  8. 15. another negative impact of intensified food production that leaves a white residue on soils
  9. 18. another name for internal social conflicts that can cause food shortages to occur
  10. 19. this is a social consequence of inadequate food consumption
  11. 21. this is a scheme in Malaysia which aimed to reduce rural poverty through improving domestic agriculture
  12. 22. Venezuela carried this out in order to improve food shortage problems
  13. 23. this is a disease often associated with excessive eating
  14. 24. singling out crops for mass production was a problem as it reduced agricultural _
  15. 25. a key component of change in farming practices, in addition to use of irrigation and chemicals
  16. 26. inadequate food consumption can lead to this health effect
  17. 29. better transport networks can improve the _ to food
  18. 30. one of the aims of the CAP of the EU was to improve this aspect of farming
  19. 35. this socio-cultural factor can influence people's choice of food
  20. 37. supporting local farmers can sometimes cause food prices to _
  21. 38. land in the USA is increasingly used to grow these