  1. 2. the season when everything gets green
  2. 5. is the eleventh month of the year
  3. 7. is between February and April
  4. 10. is after January
  5. 11. is after May
  6. 12. is the first month of winter
  7. 13. is after Thursday
  8. 16. is between Monday and Wednesday
  9. 17. is the second summer month
  10. 18. is before Sunday
  11. 19. is before Tuesday
  12. 21. is after March
  1. 1. is when the weather is bad
  2. 3. when we go swimming
  3. 4. is before Thursday
  4. 6. is the tenth (10th) month of the year
  5. 8. is the season when schools start
  6. 9. the first month of the year
  7. 14. the eighth (8th) month of the year
  8. 15. is the last day of the weekend
  9. 18. is after August
  10. 20. is before June