Revisions : vocabulary (hobbies/ school/ jobs/ world)

  1. 1. This person builds the walls of a house.
  2. 2. Mount Everest lies on the border between Nepal and ...
  3. 4. In that country, they speak 3 languages: French, Italian or German.
  4. 7. This North African country is famous for its cities Marrakech and Casablanca
  5. 8. If you don't work, then you are ...
  6. 9. My grand can ... well. Look, she made this scarf !
  7. 10. The athlete Léon Marchand excelled in this sport during the Olympic Games.
  8. 13. My grandpa always read the ... in the morning.
  9. 16. A ... is a woman who serves customers in a restaurant.
  10. 17. Before, we used to listen to ... but now, we listen to the radio, Spotify, Youtube.
  11. 19. The ... lie on the northern border of Belgium.
  12. 20. In this sport, players wear helmets and pads, and the ball is oval.
  1. 1. This professional specializes in skincare, makeup, and hair treatments
  2. 3. A subject where you learn about ancian Egypt,the Roman Empire and World Wars.
  3. 5. Messi is an ... footballer.
  4. 6. This person wants to maintain justice.
  5. 11. Mr Bastin teaches us about physics, biology and ... .
  6. 12. I'm so tired, I just want to take a ...
  7. 14. A person who sells products in a store.
  8. 15. An intellectual game for two people played on a board marked with black and white squares
  9. 18. People who live in the UK are ...