Revista Crossword

  1. 6. Most common Hepatitis associated with HIV infection(no gaps)
  2. 8. Prophylactic drug to prevent Pneumocystis pneumonia in AIDS patients
  3. 10. Drug for Diabetes Mellitus which combats insulin resistance as well as decreases glucose production and increase glucose uptake, and won't cause weight gain
  4. 12. HAART involves the combination of atleast how many anti retroviral drugs(in words)
  1. 1. HbA1c stands for ____________ hemoglobin
  2. 2. An AIDS defining malignancy
  3. 3. Most common opportunistic infection in AIDS in India
  4. 4. Gold standard method for confirmation of HIV diagnosis
  5. 5. ____ has given algorithmic strategies for HIV diagnosis in India
  6. 7. A condition in which blood sugar is high, but not high enough to be type 2 diabetes
  7. 9. Diabetes associated with pregnancy is known as __________ diabetes
  8. 11. _____ diabetes is an example of an autoimmune disorder