Revolution & Enlightenment

  1. 1. elegant drawing rooms of the upper class’s urban houses
  2. 3. child prodigy, gave first concert at age six
  3. 7. used detailed astronomical data to arrive at his laws of planetary motion
  4. 9. enlarged Prussian army by recruiting the nobility into civil service
  5. 10. wrote a collection of knowledge that he edited, “Encyclopedia”
  6. 12. a universe in which every planet orbits around the earth
  7. 13. stating that the pressure and volume of a gas have an inverse relationship, when temperature is held constant.
  8. 16. an egg shaped path of planets around the sun
  9. 17. means “to let people do what they want”
  10. 18. Anglican minister who began Methodism
  11. 19. the most famous philosophe of the later Enlightenment
  12. 21. a universe in which the planets revolve around the sun
  13. 22. through this, an entire society agrees to be governed by its general will
  14. 23. a war that lasted 7 years
  15. 24. inherited the throne of the Austrian Empire in 1740
  16. 25. a belief or theory that opinions and actions should be based on reason and knowledge rather than on religious belief or emotional response.
  17. 26. Isaac Newton’s theory that every object in the universe attracts every other object
  18. 27. english writer, advanced the strongest statement for the rights of women
  19. 30. a logical process in which multiple premises, all believed true or found true most of the time, are combined to obtain a specific conclusion
  20. 31. discovered that we lived in a heliocentric universe
  21. 32. believed the state should not interfere in economic matters
  22. 34. philosophe who argued that punishments should not be brutal
  1. 1. method Francis Bacon process to systematically collect and analyze evidence
  2. 2. invented a telescope and was the first to make regular observations of outer space
  3. 4. added to the understanding of human anatomy alongside william harvey
  4. 5. guy who stated that England’s government had three branches
  5. 6. ruler of Russia from 1762 to 1796
  6. 8. said “I think therefore i am”
  7. 11. war was fought from 1740-1748 in three areas of the world
  8. 14. in this system rulers tried to govern by Enlightenment principles while maintaining their royal powers
  9. 15. discovered the laws of motion
  10. 20. artistic style emphasizing grace, charm and gentle action
  11. 22. the separation in which the branches limit and control each other in a system of checks and balances
  12. 28. said every person was born with a tabula rasa or blank mind
  13. 29. social reformers that talked about all parts of society to make it better
  14. 33. added to the understanding of human anatomy alongside andreas versalius