Revolution in France

  1. 4. Reign of Terror and tomfoolery
  2. 5. desired food
  3. 7. Rev that inspired French rev
  4. 9. Bonaparte
  5. 10. Frenchman in American rev
  6. 11. The storming of ___ (July 14)
  7. 13. Palace built by Louis XIV
  1. 1. Off with her head (machine)
  2. 2. Wife of King Louis XVI
  3. 3. June 17, 1989, salle du jeu de paume
  4. 4. leader of Reign of Terror
  5. 6. Storming of Versailles for bread
  6. 8. So trendy its almost deadly
  7. 10. King during French Rev
  8. 12. French flag