Revolutionary Voyage

  1. 1. toward the bow
  2. 2. cargo storage area
  3. 4. above deck in the rigging
  4. 7. an opening in the deck
  5. 11. a fancy Italian style of dress
  6. 13. line rigged through pulleys
  7. 14. a device used in medicine to keep the body straight
  8. 16. a device used in medicine to stop bleeding
  9. 18. toward or into the wind
  10. 21. boiled mush of flour and water
  11. 25. yes, I will carry out your orders
  12. 26. to let out slack on a line, hand over hand
  13. 28. the very end of a piece of rope
  14. 30. an inexperienced hand on a vessel
  15. 31. a fool
  16. 35. an indication that you should begin your order
  17. 36. an experienced sailor
  1. 1. a unit of length used on board a ship
  2. 2. a knot
  3. 3. front end of a ship
  4. 4. toward the stern
  5. 5. any line used for hoisting sails and such
  6. 6. raised portion of the aft deck where captain often commands
  7. 8. not to be separated or taken away
  8. 9. periods of work and rest on board a ship
  9. 10. the crew's quarters in the bow
  10. 12. to the right of the vessel
  11. 14. a grooved pulley wheel in a block
  12. 15. sailor's word for rope
  13. 17. to pull on a line, hand over hand
  14. 19. firing of all cannons on one side of the ship
  15. 20. back end of a ship
  16. 22. to the left of the vessel
  17. 23. to pass a line through a hole
  18. 24. a person who steers the ship
  19. 27. to give permission
  20. 29. supplied with or equipped
  21. 32. a British word for a man whose focus is apparel and status
  22. 33. stop what you are doing
  23. 34. taxes placed on goods for trade