Revolutionary War

  1. 8. First action between British and Patriots. Shot heard round the world was fired here
  2. 10. A major turning point of the war, a main cause for the French to join the war too
  3. 14. When did Patriots throw tea in the harbor because of frustration with the tax on tea
  4. 15. Wrote the declaration of Independence
  5. 16. He said "Give me Liberty or give me death!"
  6. 18. This event further fueled rebellion in the colonies, because British fired into unarmed crowd
  7. 19. Where the British surrendered and the Colonists won the war, with help from French navy
  8. 20. Document written to declare independence from British
  1. 1. British soldiers must be housed and fed by families if needed
  2. 2. This declared that the Appalachian mountains were the farthest colonists could settle
  3. 3. This act taxed sugar in the colonies
  4. 4. North American part of the 7 years war that put Britain in debt
  5. 5. Commander of Continental Army
  6. 6. Alerted militiamen in Boston, 1 if by land, 2 if by see.
  7. 7. Made to punish the colonists for their actions against the King
  8. 9. Inspired revolutionaries with enlightenment ideas; many ideas influenced other patriotic documents
  9. 11. Document that declared the British recognized the colonies as independent as well as the world
  10. 12. The first tax imposed on colonists
  11. 13. Wrote Common Sense
  12. 17. Imposed taxes on the colonies and sent British troops to fight a war against them when they didn't obey his commands