Revolutionary War 2

  1. 1. Siege: Final decisive battle of the Revolutionary War (8,5)
  2. 5. Uniform: Attire worn by British soldiers during the conflict (7,7)
  3. 7. Spirit: Nationalistic sentiment during the Revolutionary War (9,6)
  4. 9. Plot: Failed British scheme to seize American weapons (9,4)
  5. 10. of Independence: Document asserting American autonomy (11,12)
  6. 14. of Bunker Hill: Early clash near Boston (6,2,6)
  7. 16. Hancock: Prominent statesman, known for his distinctive signature (4,7)
  8. 18. Soldier: Participant in the fight for American independence (12,7)
  9. 19. Act: Controversial legislation that led to the Boston Tea Party (3,3)
  10. 20. Adams: Revolutionary leader and one of the Founding Fathers (6,5)
  1. 2. Effort: Collective actions to achieve American independence (3,6)
  2. 3. Army: Military force organized by the American colonies (10,4)
  3. 4. of Saratoga: Major American victory, turning point of the war (6,2,8)
  4. 6. Sense: Influential pamphlet by Thomas Paine (6,5)
  5. 8. Supporter: Colonist who remained loyal to the British Crown (8,9)
  6. 11. Washington: Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army (5,10)
  7. 12. Acts: Punitive measures imposed on the American colonies (11,5)
  8. 13. Purchase: Land acquisition expanding the United States after the war (9,7)
  9. 15. of Paris: Agreement that formally ended the Revolutionary War (6,2,5)
  10. 17. Forge: Site of the Continental Army's winter encampment (6,5)