Revolutionary War Checklist

  1. 2. Battle of ___ ___, the bloodiest battle of the war pre-signing of the Declaration of Independence
  2. 5. Battle of ____, where the Continental army captured over 900 British soldiers
  3. 6. the lead general of the British Forces, who didn’t take the war seriously and often led very sloppily
  4. 8. Something the American soldiers lacked and the British soldiers had, in the sense of being good at being a solider in the first place.
  5. 10. the ocean that separated the British forces from GB
  6. 12. the place where the British forces lost two battles, a turning point in the war.
  7. 13. The people in America who supported separation from the British Crown.
  8. 14. The treaty negotiated by Benjamin Franklin that
  9. 15. The state the American government was in, one of the flaws the American army had.
  1. 1. A European country that was a great ally to the Americans and helped end the war
  2. 3. Battle of ____ ___, the Continental loss in which George Washington lost around 15,000 soldiers
  3. 4. the main advantage the Americans had over the British in the war.
  4. 7. the lead general of the Continental Forces and possibly the most iconic leader of the Revolutionary War
  5. 9. The people in America who were still Loyal to the crown
  6. 11. the name the American forces were called during the war.