Revolutionary War Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. Washington The commander of the Continental Army. He was able to lead the colonists to victory by encouraging his soldiers and thinking through his strategy calmly.
  2. 7. The place where the British surrendered in 1781 because they were trapped by the Continental Army and the French navy.
  3. 10. The place where 2 battles between the colonists and British took place and forced the British to change their strategy from attacking colonist capitals to staying closer towards the coast for Navy protection.
  4. 13. The city that was captured during the Battle of Brandywine Creek
  5. 15. The reason why the colonists fought the Revolutionary War. This reason gave the colonists the motivation needed to push through the war.
  1. 1. The country with which the Continental Army created an alliance as part of their strategy to defeat the British. This alliance especially came through in the Battle of Yorktown.
  2. 2. of Paris After negotiations between Great Britain, France, Spain, and the United States, this document was signed in 1783 to officially state that Great Britain grants full independence to the United States.
  3. 4. The area that the British were trying to capture as part of their initial general strategy. They thought that by capturing this area first, it would be easier to attack the surrounding area.
  4. 5. Ocean The vast water barrier that made it more difficult for the British to receive additional arsenal from the homeland on time. This barrier set the British back, which helped the Americans succeed.
  5. 6. Island The place where the British sailed into New York and caused the Continental Army’s number of soldiers to significantly diminish due to casualties and soldiers deserting the goal of freedom
  6. 8. A term used to describe a strategy that was first used by the Continental Army against the British in the Battle of Trenton and later used by the British against the Continental Army in the Battle of Brandywine Creek. The strategy was to attack the other side unexpectedly.
  7. 9. of Alliance In 1778, this document established an alliance between France and the colonists.
  8. 11. Howe The British general who inefficiently used military resources and did not take the war seriously.
  9. 12. Hill The place where a battle occurred before the Declaration of Independence was signed and resulted in a victory for the British army since the colonists had to retreat. However, there were many British casualties from the battle that occurred at this place.
  10. 14. York The state that the British were trying to seize in hopes of splitting the New England colonies from the rest of the colonies.