- 2. #2 anime wife dark hair___
- 3. Fav fur baby
- 5. Fav animal
- 9. Baby baby
- 11. longest battle anime
- 14. world of blocks
- 16. cursed dnd character
- 17. Sarah's nickname
- 18. its your ____ anime
- 19. Best type of cake
- 22. Best type of ice cream
- 23. Better fav animal
- 25. kill oath videogame
- 28. supermans bestie
- 30. #2 pec name
- 31. 2nd best color :P
- 33. the ground is ____
- 1. arrow fav superhero
- 4. other fur baby
- 6. sea gods son
- 7. honeymoon local
- 8. rubber boi anime
- 10. best superhero
- 12. ninja anime
- 13. #1 anime wife ___ redhead
- 15. face fur
- 20. rhyans nickname
- 21. Fav book
- 24. creating worlds
- 26. user name
- 27. fav game
- 29. fantasy 7 is best
- 32. #1 pec name