Rhythm & The Respiratory System

  1. 4. slow time (in Italian)
  2. 5. moderate pace (in Italian)
  3. 7. because of these we can produce sounds (2 words)
  4. 9. fast pace (in Italian)
  5. 11. a pattern of sound
  6. 12. what we breathe in
  7. 14. we have two of these and they work like balloons when the air goes in and out
  1. 1. Our nose, throat, voice box, wind pipe and lungs are all parts of our ________________ system
  2. 2. what we breathe out (2 words)
  3. 3. when we exercise our breathing gets f_ _ _ _ _
  4. 6. a fancy word for windpipe
  5. 8. a fancy word for voice box
  6. 10. how fast/slow a piece of music is performed
  7. 13. air can go in through the mouth or...