Riddled with riddles!

  1. 3. People make me, save me, change me, raise me. What am I?
  2. 6. you can have me only as long as you don't share me
  3. 7. What gets bigger when more is taken away?
  4. 9. The more there is of me, the less you see
  5. 11. What is 3/7 chicken, 2/3 cat and 2/4 goat?
  6. 12. Tall when I'm young and short when I'm old
  7. 13. What has to be broken before you can use it?
  1. 1. What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
  2. 2. you can cut off my tail but I will still sound the same
  3. 4. If there are three apples and you take away two, how many apples do you have?
  4. 5. has many keys but cannot open any lock you know
  5. 8. what can't talk but will always reply to you?
  6. 10. I am so fragile that I am broken by the slightest whisper