
  1. 2. you cut me, slice me, dice me and all the while you cry?
  2. 4. what has 4 wheels and flies
  3. 6. what is black when clean and white when dirty
  4. 7. what kind of room has no doors or windows?
  5. 11. I go all around the world but never leave the corner
  6. 13. what kind of ship has 2 mates and not captain
  7. 14. what can be broken but never held
  8. 15. what has hands and a face but can't hold anything or smile
  9. 17. I shave everyday but my beard stays the same
  10. 18. why did the citrus tree go to the hospital?
  11. 19. kind of fruit you can never cheer up
  12. 23. has to be broken before use
  13. 25. I have a head and tail but no body. What am I
  14. 26. what has ears but cannot hear?
  15. 27. how many months of the year have 28 days
  16. 29. If I have it I don't share it. If I share it, I don't have it
  17. 33. what building has the most stories
  18. 34. what tastes better than it smells
  19. 36. what did the mom tomato say to the dawdling baby tomato?
  20. 37. 2 things you can never eat for breakfast
  21. 38. what is so fragile that saying its name breaks it
  1. 1. what kind of poultry is always going to the bathroom?
  2. 3. what goes away as soon as you talk about it?
  3. 5. it belongs to you but your friends use it more
  4. 8. I follow you everday and copy your every move but you can't catch me
  5. 9. what begins with a T, finishes with a T and has T in it?
  6. 10. I am a bird, a person and a fruit
  7. 11. what is full of holes but still holds water
  8. 12. what is full of words but never speaks
  9. 15. what do you call a cat that loves to swim?
  10. 16. when I am ripe I am green, when you eat me I'm red and when you spit me out I am black
  11. 20. i can fill a room but take up no space
  12. 21. what begins with an E but only holds one letter
  13. 22. what comes down but never up
  14. 24. what has lots of eye but can't see
  15. 28. what gets wet while drying
  16. 30. what is the richest nut
  17. 31. the only place in the world where today comes before yesterday
  18. 32. what goes up but never comes down
  19. 34. what is easy to get into but hard to get out of
  20. 35. what goes up and down but can't move