- 3. Although I am not cereal, I get sold in a box, I’m something you wear on your feet ,But not a pair of socks
- 4. When you are feeling hungry, Then you will often eat at this, When you are playing ping pong ,It comes before the word ‘tennis’
- 6. I am a piece of furniture ,At a table I’m often found ,When I’m there then I have four legs, But at a desk I swivel round
- 8. This thing is usually green, But it’s not a plate of peas ,On the flag of Canada ,There’s a maple one of these
- 9. Even though I have two wings ,I’m a bird that cannot fly ,I often like to swim though, And on ice is where I dry
- 10. am I?
- 1. I get hung but I’m not a piece of art, I’m found in a house but I’m not a picture frame, I’m made of fabric but I’m not a shirt, I block light but I’m not an eclipse ,I cover windows but I’m not a set of blinds
- 2. This is in your living room ,It’s sometimes made of leather ,If there’s two or three of you, It helps you sit together
- 3. If you have me, you want to share me. If you share me, you haven’t got me.
- 5. I have a base but I’m not a baseball field, I have sheets but I’m not a binder ,I’m sometimes a king but I don’t have a crown ,I’m used every night but I’m not a light ,I have a room named after me but I’m not a bath
- 7. What is made of water, but if you put it into water will die?