
  1. 2. They come out at night without being called and are lost in the day without being stolen
  2. 4. it belongs to you but it is more used by others
  3. 7. Where does Friday come before Thursday?
  4. 8. it is as light as a feather, but even the world’s strongest man couldn’t hold it for more than a minute
  5. 9. it has two hands but no arms or legs
  6. 11. I’m as hard as a rock, but I melt immediately in hot water
  7. 13. it has a thumb and four fingers but it isn't alive
  1. 1. it is green, but not a leaf; and copies others, but is not a monkey
  2. 3. it has an eye but cannot see
  3. 5. I have wings and I am able to fly, but I’m not a bird yet
  4. 6. What gets wetter as it dries?
  5. 8. it has a neck but no head
  6. 10. it follows you and you will never lose it
  7. 12. it must be broken before you can use it