- 4. whats brown and sticky
- 8. inside a red bus there is a white bus inside the bus there is red seats on those seats there are black seeds
- 13. which cat can u eat
- 14. what do u give a man who has everything
- 15. how do snails keep their shells shiny
- 16. what do u get if u mix a kangaroo with a sheep
- 17. why is six afraid of seven
- 20. what do u call a gorrila with a machinegun
- 21. whats a frogs favourite drink
- 23. what do u call a fish with no eyes
- 24. whats the best way to stop food going bad
- 25. what bow cant be untied
- 26. what wobbles as it flies
- 1. what ring is square
- 2. u buy me to eat but never eat me
- 3. why was the broom late
- 5. whats orange and sounds like a parrot
- 6. where do sheep get their hair cut
- 7. where does tarzan buy his clothes
- 9. where did napoleon keep his armies
- 10. what dog can u eat
- 11. what do u call people who are scared of santa claus
- 12. what do u call a surgeon with 8 legs
- 18. what lies at the bottom of the ocean and twitches
- 19. what do u get when u cross a vampire with a snowman
- 22. what comes up but never comes down