- 3. I am a odd number but take away a letter I am even what number am I?
- 7. have no life but I can die. What am I?
- 8. What did cat for 10+10 and 11+11?
- 9. I have rings but I am not jewelry. What am I?
- 12. Rich people need it, poor people have it and if you eat me you die. What am I?
- 1. What has four eyes but cannot see?
- 2. What do Alexander the great and Winnie the Pooh have in common?
- 4. What is heavy backwards but forwards it is not?
- 5. What is always ahead of us but we can never see it?
- 6. 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1x0+1
- 10. What has a hand and cannot clap?
- 11. What goes up but doesn't ever come down?
- 13. What can you put in a bucket to make it weightless?