- 3. The more there is the less you see. What am I? Hint : Light
- 6. What is more useful when broken? Hint : breakfast food
- 8. Mary's dad has 5 daughters - Nena, Nini,Nono and Nana. What's the name of the 5th daughter? Hint : Read again
- 9. I have two hands but cannot scratched myself. What am I? Hint:
- 10. I have wings and fly but I'm not a bird. What am I? Hint: Flies in the sky
- 12. What has feet inside but not outside. Hint: You're wearing it right now
- 1. I am a building that has the most stories, but you can never hear me for I love silence. What am I? Hint: Its a place that has many books
- 2. It belongs to you but others use it more. Hint: N___
- 4. I can run. But I have no feet. What am I? Hint: You need it to breathe
- 5. I only live when there is light, but you cannot touch me, what am I? Hint: Sh____
- 7. I have no flesh nor bones, yet I have fingers. What am I? Hint I'm plastic
- 11. what goes up but never comes down? Hint: It increases on your birthday