"Rikki Tikki Tavi" by Rudyard Kipling/ Part 1

  1. 1. Rikki Tikki Tavi is a _______ (type of animal).
  2. 4. Darzee and his wife are ____ (type of animal).
  3. 6. vocabulary word meaning "to help to grow"
  4. 8. Rikki Tikki's mother once fed him dead ___, so he wasn't afraid of Nag.
  5. 9. Nag and Nagaina plan to kill the entire ____, so eventually they will have the house and garden to themselves.
  6. 11. On his 2nd day with the family, Rikki Tikki explored the _____ behind the bungalow(house).
  7. 13. Mongooses like Rikki Tikki are filled with nosiness and _____ (paragraph 7).
  8. 14. Teddy's father beat Karait, the brown snake, even though he was already ____.
  9. 15. the name of the big, black cobra that lived in the garden with his wife
  10. 17. Outside the bathroom's ___ (drain), Rikki Tikki overheard Nag and Nagaina plotting.
  11. 18. the author of "Rikki Tikki Tavi"
  12. 19. When a mongoose is angry, its eyes grow ___(paragraph 32).
  1. 2. Darzee's wife was sad because Nag, the cobra, had eaten one of her _____.
  2. 3. vocabulary word meaning "a hero" or "someone sent by God to save another"
  3. 5. Rikki Tikki saves Teddy from being bitten by ____, the brown snake
  4. 7. Nag, the cobra's wife
  5. 9. Rikki Tikki was washed out of his burrow during a summer _____.
  6. 10. the name of the muskrat that was afraid he'd be mistakenly killed by Nag
  7. 12. ______ tries to attack Rikki Tikki in the garden, but Darzee warns Rikki Tikki just in time.
  8. 16. the name of the boy who finds Rikki Tikki and welcomes him into his family