Ring of Fire

  1. 2. It encircles the _______ Ocean.
  2. 5. Shape of the ring.
  3. 7. It is the deepest parts of the ocean floor where an Oceanic Plate (in this case the Pacific plate) is subducting under a continental plate.
  1. 1. About 90% of the world's ___________ occur along the Ring of Fire.
  2. 3. True or false 22 out 25 of the world's largest volcanic eruptions occurred at volcanoes outside of the Ring of Fire.
  3. 4. Four hundered and fifty ___ Number of volcanoes located along this ring.
  4. 6. The _____ plate was once believed to be apart of the Pacific Plate.
  5. 7. One of these was Lake Taupo in New Zealand(relating to the other true or false question).