Rishi Chapt 14 Study Guide

  1. 4. The southern states were nicknamed the _______
  2. 5. Worked in many factories up North
  3. 8. Planters made a new dictatorship like systems called _______
  4. 9. Became more useful in 1829
  5. 10. one of the three main slave codes
  6. 15. how many slaves lived in the south
  7. 17. This man created the telegraph
  8. 18. Southern felt______ about the Northerners progress
  9. 20. So many ____ immigrants came here to work
  10. 22. one of the three main slave codes
  11. 23. changed sea trade forever in the 50's
  1. 1. The Cotton Gin, invented by Eli Whitney, could do the work of how many men?
  2. 2. Less than ________ of people owned more than 50 slaves in America
  3. 3. one of the three main slave codes
  4. 5. where there is mass production, there is an _______ in jobs
  5. 6. So many ____ immigrants came here to work
  6. 7. very influential slave who changed our nation after freedom
  7. 11. This incredible machine was invented by Eli Whitney
  8. 12. About _________ of the Southern Population were slaves
  9. 13. These were the people who owned more than 50 slaves
  10. 14. factories made ________ goods
  11. 16. About how many immigrants came here during the 1840's & 50's
  12. 19. This man created the sewing machine
  13. 21. What did many Southern plantation owners farm