- 2. The ______ _______ restricted slaves from owning guns, gathering in groups of more than three, and leaving their owner's land without a written pass, all so that they can keep slaves from running away.
- 5. More slaves and land were needed to grow and pick more cotton because of Whitney's _____________.
- 8. The region from South Carolina through Alabama and Mississippi to Texas had the most ________(a type of crop) plantations.
- 9. _______ ________ also led a revolt in order to take revenge against plantation owners in Virginia and was able to kill more than 57 whites. His revolt created a huge impact as Southerners began to fear the uprising of the enslaved.
- 11. With the industry not expanding as much in the South, they started to rely on the ____________ which they were resentful about.
- 15. Industry in the _______ was small and only existed to support the farmers' needs.
- 16. About four million immigrants came to the U.S to work in ________ ____________ during the 1840's and 50's.
- 19. Samuel Morse's _____________ was a huge success since it was able to give merchants and farmer's quick information about their supply, prices, and the demand for their goods.
- 20. ______(number) thousand English immigrants come to the U.S. in 1850.
- 22. More _______ led to more cotton production in the South. (In the North, the practice the South used for cotton production was outlawed.)
- 23. ___________ _________ percent of Southern Whites were small farmers who worked with their slaves on fields.
- 25. _________ went through a lot of development as they started off slow and unsafe, eventually around 1829, this mode of transportation became steam-powered and was able to barrel along at thirty miles per hour. The new steam-powered engine was called the "Rocket".
- 26. One third of the Southern population composed of _____.
- 28. Some slave owners treated their slaves __________ because they thought they were valuable property.
- 29. Germany had about ___ million immigrants come to the United States around the 1840's and 50's too.
- 1. Cyrus McCormick's factory produced __________ ___________ which were able to mow wheat and other grains quickly. It did the work of five people using hand tools.
- 3. Southern cotton had a lot of demand because of the Industrial Revolution, so it was harvested a lot. The process of picking the seeds from the cotton was a very _________ process.
- 4. The "major lines" in the U.S. were concentrated in the ______ and West, specifically New York, Chicago, and Cincinnati.
- 6. ________ was a cheap, powerful source of energy that could be built anywhere and helped expand the American Industry and produce cheaper goods.
- 7. One and a half million people came from ____________ to the United States because of a famine that took place in their country.
- 10. Though most of the White Southerns did not own slaves, less than one percent of Southerns called the ___________ were rich slave owners that had at least 50 slaves.
- 12. John Deere's _________ made it possible to cultivate more land quicker, making more money.
- 13. Clipper ships were vessels with large sails and narrow hulls that moved really fast through the water. In the 1840's and 50's, they were able to "win a lot of the world's sea trade," though later on _____ _____(another mode of transportation) replaced them.
- 14. In the year 1850, the _____ immigrants came to the United States as there was a total of 288,000 immigrants.
- 17. There were a total of 200,000 ____ _______ living in the South around 1860, and none of the slave owners liked having them around because they were encouraging slaves to rebel.
- 18. Many of the planters part of the cottonocracy became political leaders all because of their _______.
- 21. _________ ________ led a big revolt against slavery in 1822 but was betrayed and executed.
- 24. The advancement on the railroad's rails made traveling faster and safer because they replaced the old wooden rails with ______ rails.
- 27. Elias Howe/Isaac Singer developed the ____________ which was able to produce a lot more shirts in a short amount of time compared to when they had to be sewn by hand.