River Landforms and Processes

  1. 2. Where two rivers meet
  2. 6. Water will be described using this word when it has absorbed as much water as possible
  3. 8. When large sediment is rolled along the river bed
  4. 11. The starting point of a river or stream
  5. 12. The flat land in the valley floor each side of a river channel which regularly floods
  6. 13. The process when water socks into the soil and rocks
  7. 14. The type of erosion that does not occur in the upper course of a river
  8. 15. A raised bank of sediment along the side of a river
  1. 1. A bend formed in a river as it winds across the landscape
  2. 3. An area of higher land jutting out of a steep valley sides in a river's upper course
  3. 4. The corkscrew like flow of water in a meander which moves material from the outside of a meander bend to the inside
  4. 5. Where water flows over a vertical drop in the course of a river
  5. 7. The sandpaper like erosion of the river
  6. 9. A u-shaped lake formed when a meander is cut off from the river channel
  7. 10. The movement of water through soil