- 5. Natural barriers kept the Chinese __________ from other civilizations
- 10. Technique used for farming
- 11. A type of farming for growing crops on hills or mountains
- 13. Egyptians referred to this river as a gift
- 15. Major trade route connecting Asia to Europe
- 16. Interaction deals with humans and how they interact with their _______________
- 17. This desert was a natural barrier for the Egyptians
- 20. Theme of geography defined by absolute and relative
- 21. Physical and _________ characteristics make up Place
- 1. The Huang He River Civilization is south of what country?
- 2. Religion originating on the Indian subcontinent
- 3. Belief in many gods
- 4. Defined by unifying characteristics
- 6. The Egyptians had a ____________ of food which meant they had more than what they needed
- 7. Mesopotamia is the land between the Tigris and ______ Rivers.
- 8. Step pyramids from Mesopotamia
- 9. Mesopotamia and Egypt are located on the______
- 12. The Indus River Valley civilization was located in modern day ______
- 14. People, goods and ___________ make up Movement
- 18. The Indus Valley people were quite advanced. They had ______ in their homes.
- 19. Seasonal wind patterns with a wet and dry season