
  1. 3. Main river of mesopotamia
  2. 5. Czech name for the river that runs through Prague. Also name of a piece by Bedrich Smetana.
  3. 10. The river that Julius Caesar famously crossed.
  4. 11. Main river of mesopotamia
  5. 13. Chinese river that is the site of the Three Gorges Dam
  6. 14. River that contains the most capital cities in Europe
  7. 15. Longest river in Indochina
  8. 17. Holiest river in Hinduism
  9. 18. Largest river by volume
  10. 20. River London sits on
  11. 21. River between Texas and Mexico
  12. 22. longest river in africa
  1. 1. Major Canadian river containing cities like Montreal and Quebec.
  2. 2. The confluence of this river and the Iguazu river forms Iguazu Falls. Also sounds like the name of a carnivorous river fish.
  3. 4. George Washington crossed this river to attack Trenton during the Revolutionary War
  4. 6. River in Pakistan where a river valley civilization mysteriously disappeared
  5. 7. Contains Hoover Dam
  6. 8. Longest river in Europe
  7. 9. Where Jesus was baptised
  8. 12. Along with the Amu Darya is one of the major rivers that flow into the Aral Sea
  9. 15. Along with the Darling make up the longest river in Australia
  10. 16. Victoria falls is located on this river
  11. 19. You will find cities like Timbuktu and NIamey in West Africa.