Rivers and Mountains

  1. 2. Mountain in Tuscany.
  2. 4. Active volcano in Sicily.
  3. 6. River flowing through Verona.
  4. 7. River associated with WWI.
  5. 9. Highest peak in the Apennines.
  6. 11. Longest river in Italy.
  7. 14. Mountain range in northeastern Italy.
  8. 16. River in Veneto.
  9. 17. River in northeastern Italy.
  10. 18. Volcano near Naples.
  11. 19. Mountain range in northern Italy.
  1. 1. Mountain pass in the Alps.
  2. 3. River running through Rome.
  3. 5. Mountain range running the length of Italy.
  4. 6. River flowing through Florence.
  5. 8. River in Tuscany.
  6. 10. Mountain group in the Dolomites.
  7. 12. River in Lombardy.
  8. 13. River in northern Italy.
  9. 15. Mountain range in Sicily.