Rivers Key Words

  1. 1. the place where two rivers meet.
  2. 7. ________ basin = the area of land drained by a river. See page 2 for more.
  3. 11. the rock underneath the river channel – the type of rock it is flowing over.
  4. 12. the channel in which the water flows – the area covered by water.
  5. 13. a smaller river or stream joining onto the main channel.
  6. 14. _________ Profile = the shape of the river, starting at the source and going down to the mouth (often shown as a graph).
  7. 15. the boundary of the drainage basin, usually following tops of mountains.
  8. 16. _________course = middle section of the river.
  1. 2. _________course = top section of the river.
  2. 3. the volume of water flowing through the channel at any one time.
  3. 4. the land surrounding a river channel.
  4. 5. the bottom of the river channel
  5. 6. where the river ends because it has joined the ocean (sometimes a lake)
  6. 8. the rocks and carried by the river water.
  7. 9. where the river begins.
  8. 10. the sides of the river channel.
  9. 14. _________course = bottom section of the river.