- 2. "All men are born ___, naked, without bonds"
- 4. The Filipino mothers should be a ___ wife
- 5. The proposed instructor
- 6. The province where the young women petitioned
- 9. "Let the young man love her not only for her ___ or the sweetness of disposition but also for the firmness of character and lofty ideas
- 10. "Consider well what kind of ___ they are teaching you"
- 11. "___ is servitude, because as a man thinks, so he is; a man who does not think for himself and allowed himself to be guided by the thought of another is like the beast led by a halter"
- 14. It is the opportunity not given to women during the time of Rizal
- 16. The governor general to whom the women petitioned to
- 18. The language used by Rizal in his letter
- 19. "WHat makes one contemptible is lack of ___ and abject fear of one who holds one in contempt"
- 20. "He who loves his ___ must first aid his fellowman, because he who refuses protection to others will find himself without it"
- 22. The assigned instructor so that their petition will be granted
- 23. The friar who objected the petition
- 1. Filipino mothers should teach their children to prefer death with ___ to life without it
- 3. The place where Rizal wrote the letter
- 5. Mothers that would serve as role model for Filipino mothers in reary children for service to the state
- 7. The language be taught in the night school
- 8. He requested Rizal to write the letter
- 11. "God did not create man to be a slave; nor did he endow him with __ to have him hoodwinked, or adorn him with reason to have him deceived by others"
- 12. "___ is the fruit of infancy and the infant is formed on the lap of its mother"
- 13. The number of the young women who petitioned
- 15. "Tyranny is possible only through cowardice and __ of others
- 17. "Why does the girl not require of her lover a noble and honored name, a ___ heart offering her protection to her weakness, and a high spirit incapable of being satisfied with engendering slaves?"
- 21. Rizal commended the women for their extraordinary ___