Rizal's Travel

  1. 2. He obtained the third prize in Universal Exposition.
  2. 4. A young student from Manila and a refugee from Spanish tyranny.
  3. 7. A wealthy man and a practising lawyer who was exiled on 1872.
  4. 8. A medial student at the UST who was imprisoned because of owning a copy of Noli Me Tangere.
  5. 11. The place where El Filibusterismo is printed.
  6. 13. Awarded second prize in Universal Exposition.
  7. 15. The name of the club which Rizal organized his compatriots into a society.
  8. 16. Acronym for the three executed priests.
  9. 17. Rost called him "a pearl of man" (una perla de hombre).
  10. 18. The husband of Lucia, who was denied of Christian burial because of the malicious rumor that he had not confessed since marriage
  11. 19. Helps Rizal in publishing El Filibusterismo.
  12. 20. The counselor of International Association of Filipinologists.
  13. 21. An Art of self-defense that Rizal learned in Japan.
  1. 1. Former gobernadorcillo of Santa Ana, Manila.
  2. 3. The president of International Association of Filipinologists.
  3. 5. The month when El Filibusterismo came off the press.
  4. 6. It was patterned after Freemansory.
  5. 9. He got no prize in Universal Exposition.
  6. 10. The __________ trouble of 1888 in which the tenants, including Rizal's, were being persecuted by the hacienda management.
  7. 11. The place where Manuel T. Hidalgo (husband of Saturnina) Rizal's brother-in-law was exiled.
  8. 12. It replaced the Kidlat Club.
  9. 14. The vice president of International Association of Filipinologists.