Road trip!!!

  1. 1. what colour are Rosie’s eyes?
  2. 3. my favourite person.
  3. 5. dId yOu Go To___.
  4. 7. my favourite fruit.
  5. 8. my next oldest brothers name.
  6. 11. where am I retiring?
  7. 13. what do I want for my birthday
  8. 14. dream watch(level 3).
  9. 15. _/187 george street.
  10. 17. dream car.
  1. 2. my favourite clothing brand.
  2. 4. go to pizza order.
  3. 6. who makes my TV?
  4. 9. my favourite wallet brand.
  5. 10. my favourite pen.
  6. 12. my mums name.
  7. 16. the initials I get on everything.