Roaring 20's Terms

  1. 4. Films with audio dialogue opposed to reading text plates
  2. 5. programs that protect people from the impact of natural disasters, economic shock, and other crises.
  3. 9. a system of government that provides assistance to people who need it, through healthcare, food stamps, unemployment compensation, and other areas of need
  4. 10. a market in which people transfer money in exchange for a stock or security from seller to a buyer
  5. 13. to absorb into different cultural traditions of the immigrants in your community, or, to become absorbed or incorporated into the system some foods
  6. 14. The worst stock market crash in US history, and is widely considered to be the cause of the Great Depression
  7. 15. The practice/act of forbidding something by law. Making something illegal or banning it.
  8. 16. a long and very serious slump in an economy or market
  9. 17. boarding schools. In Canada, they took Indigenous children from their homes and boarded them in these schools. The children were very mistreated and under a very strict set of rules.
  1. 1. a trade in short term loan between the bank and other financial institutions and the people
  2. 2. People who smuggle alcohol where it is not legally allowed to be transported
  3. 3. A slump where the trade and and industrial activity are decreased
  4. 6. An American gangster who also went by the name of “Scarface”. He was a gangster and also a businessman, who was best known for his violence and and ruthlessness in removing his rivals.
  5. 7. A manufacturing process which allows things to be manufactured piece by piece with different individuals
  6. 8. A young, unconventional and dramatically stylish woman of the 20’s (dressed to revealing, smoked cigarettes, drank prohibited liquor)
  7. 10. Secret illegal bars where alcohol is illegally sold, bought by customers
  8. 11. Ford’s first mass production of automobiles
  9. 12. a popular womens haircut/style of the 20’s