Roaring Twenties & Great Depression

  1. 2. Cultural celebration of African American accomplishments that took place during the 1920s
  2. 5. Nickname given to the communities of homeless Americans living in shacks during the Great Depression
  3. 6. New Deal agency created to protect America's most vulnerable citizens (like kids, handicapped, and old people)
  4. 10. Method that allows for quick and efficient production of a lot of goods
  5. 15. Practice that allowed consumers to borrow money to invest in the stock market
  6. 17. Scientific theory debated in the "Monkey Scopes Trial"
  7. 18. Anti-immigrant policy that favors people born in a place over immigrants
  8. 19. Period in U.S. history, after World War I, that included a strong fear that communists and anarchists were going to destroy the American government
  9. 21. During the 1920s, the U.S. had three presidents in a row that all belonged to this political party
  10. 23. President Roosevelt's plan to help citizens get through the Great Depression by creating programs that put the government in debt
  11. 25. Illegal bar during Prohibition
  12. 26. Piece of a company that can go up or down in value
  13. 27. This is the word we used a thousand times to describe the 1920s
  14. 28. The Red Scare caused the U.S. government to put limits on this, especially from Eastern Europe
  15. 30. Elected President in 1920 with the slogan, "Return to Normalcy"
  16. 31. Affordable automobiles allowed many American families to move out of the crowded cities into these
  17. 33. These happened in the days following the Stock Market Crash as Americans insisted on having their savings in their hands
  18. 34. This part of the government became stronger and more powerful during the Great Depression
  19. 36. Nickname given to the American veterans who protested against the U.S. government for withholding money promised them after World War I
  20. 37. President Roosevelt believed the U.S. government would need to use this economic policy to help the country get through the depression, even if it put the government in debt
  21. 40. Mass media technology that helped create a common culture across America
  22. 41. Many of FDR's New Deal programs were designed to create these
  23. 42. Limit on how much of something can be made or accepted
  24. 44. Spending associated with this international event finally brought the U.S. out of the Great Depression
  25. 45. Religious group targeted by the KKK during the 1920s
  26. 47. After the Great Depression, African Americans shifted to voting for candidates of this political party
  27. 49. Strong fear or dislike for strangers or immigrants
  28. 53. Added to the U.S. Constitution in August 1920 to give women the right to vote in national elections
  29. 56. Buying option that allowed people to purchase expensive appliances and home goods by paying a little at a time
  30. 57. FDR used these radio talks to restore optimism and convince Americans that everything would be okay
  1. 1. Religious theory that says everything in the Bible should be treated as historical fact
  2. 3. This group was often left out of New Deal programs so the Southern states would support FDR's plans
  3. 4. President Hoover believed people should help each other with this instead of relying on the federal government to get them through tough times
  4. 6. Fancy word for the right to vote
  5. 7. Nickname for the government programs first created during the New Deal to help provide basic services and securities to American citizens
  6. 8. Great Plains state most affected by the Dust Bowl
  7. 9. When people buy things because they think it's important to own as much as possible
  8. 11. Illegal making, transporting, or selling alcohol during Prohibition
  9. 12. Region of the U.S. that has always relied more on immigrants to provide labor for the American factory system
  10. 13. Occurs when a government borrows money to spend more than it brings in
  11. 14. Name given to the mass movement of African Americans out of the South to look for jobs and justice in Northern cities
  12. 16. This part of the federal government threatened FDR's New Deal programs by ruling them unconstitutional
  13. 20. During his first hundred days as President, FDR called for one of these so the federal government could stop more banks from closing across America
  14. 22. Added to the U.S. Constitution in January 1919 to make it illegal to buy, sell, or consume alcohol
  15. 24. White supremacy group that experienced a resurgence during the 1920s
  16. 29. Major cause of economic troubles for farmers during the 1920s
  17. 32. Practice that allowed consumers to borrow money to invest in the stock market
  18. 35. Economic policy where the government "leaves the economy alone" to regulate and fix itself
  19. 38. Nickname for women in the 1920s who challenged the way females were supposed to dress and act
  20. 39. Name given to the period of time in U.S. history when it was illegal to sell or make alcoholic beverages
  21. 43. President when the stock market crashed
  22. 46. Phrase used to describe the situation created in the Great Plains during the 1930s by a combination of both manmade and natural circumstances
  23. 48. Allowed families to buy new, expensive items they normally wouldn't have been able to afford
  24. 50. Type of music that was made famous on radios across the country during the Harlem Renaissance
  25. 51. Nickname given to people coming to the U.S. in the 1920s and 30s from places in Eastern and Southern Europe
  26. 52. This president threatened to increase the number of justices on the Supreme Court so he could add members who would agree with him
  27. 54. Religious group targeted by the KKK during the 1920s
  28. 55. Agency created by Congress in 1933 to help restore people's trust in banks