
  1. 7. Type of rock that has been for on the earth for a million years
  2. 10. One of three main types of sedimentary
  3. 12. Something that is in a rock
  4. 14. Apart of sedimentary and good to use for paving
  5. 17. Hardest rock in the world
  6. 18. Very soft rock and used for microscopes
  1. 1. Word that sums up all of the 3 main types
  2. 2. It is aprat of the sedimentary rock and creates rocks
  3. 3. It become a metamorphic rock
  4. 4. Also three types of sedimentary
  5. 5. Type of rock that is still formed on earth today
  6. 6. Rocks that are formed outside
  7. 8. It is very light
  8. 9. Used for building and tiles
  9. 11. Type of formation of a rock
  10. 13. Very hot and is magma
  11. 15. Its good for building
  12. 16. A very important substance to forming a rock