Role of the Autonomic Nervous System in the Lung

  1. 3. Expiration, is controlled and monitored by the _________ Medulla?
  2. 5. Respiratory Peripheral Chemoreceptors located near the common carotid artery bifurcation are said to the localised in ________ bodies.
  3. 7. When the above lung receptors are stimulated in the intrapulmonary bronchi they cause reflex bronchial and laryngeal constriction as well as __________ (deep inhalation).
  4. 9. Neurones located in the dorsal medulla are responsible for controlling the gaseous exchange phase of respiration called __?
  5. 10. This type of lung receptor is only stimulated by exposure to irritants.
  6. 11. pH Changes in _________ fluid are detected by central chemoreceptors.
  7. 12. This particular group of chemoreceptors of the respiratory system are sensitive to blood paO2 and paCO2 variations. In hypoxic/hypercapnia situation they stimulate ventilation.
  8. 13. Once hypoxia is detected by the peripheral chemoreceptors in the aortic bodies, this receptors are then stimulated to send nerve impulses using an afferent fibres via the ________ nerve to the respiratory centre.
  1. 1. During chest inspiration (expansion, stretching and decreasing lung volume) these pulmonary __________ receptors are stimulated to send impulses via vagal nerves to the respiratory centre to stimulate ventilation. (Hering-Breuer Lung Inflation Reflex).
  2. 2. The respiratory centre responsible for controlling breathing is situated at the _______ of the brainstem.
  3. 4. The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems’ preganglionic fibres release the Neurotransmitter (NT) Acetylcholine (Ach) which stimulate which specific Ach-Receptors?
  4. 6. Apneustic and Pneumotaxic centres aid the main respiratory centre in controlling the rhythm of breathing. Where are these two centres located?
  5. 8. Apart from muscle stretch receptors which can be stimulate breathing during expiration as the respiratory demand is greater. What other receptors found outside the respiratory system can stimulate ventilation?