Roman Civilization Crossword Puzzle

  1. 7. A form of government where power is divided among different branches.
  2. 8. He was murdered on the floor of the Senate on the Ides of March in 44 BC.
  3. 10. A leading political figure, author, lawyer, and statesman who won acclaim as the greatest orator of his day.
  4. 12. Sometime during the eighth century BC seven Latin villages formed this alliance.
  5. 16. These structures supplied water to Roman cities.
  6. 17. A famed historian who favored the old republic over life under the self-centered emperors.
  7. 18. This gathering of clergymen affirmed Christ's deity and the doctrine of the Trinity.
  8. 19. A Germanic tribe that established a kingdom in North Africa.
  9. 21. They protected the rights and interests of the common people.
  10. 24. He became the "Poet of the Augustan Age".
  11. 26. He sentenced Jesus to death because he feared punishment from emperor Tiberius.
  12. 27. He killed his brother Remus in a burst of jealous anger.
  13. 29. He dismissed Christian soldiers from the army and ordered the destruction of churches and copies of Scripture.
  14. 31. The commander of a victorious army.
  15. 33. He was often called the "Homer of Rome".
  16. 34. A philosophy that teaches that the highest good is the pursuit of the virtues of courage, dignity, duty, simplicity of life, and service to fellow men.
  17. 35. He crossed the Alps with cavalry, elephants, and some forty thousand soldiers to attack Rome.
  18. 36. A fierce nomadic tribe that came out of the Far East.
  19. 39. The chief assembly of the early Roman government.
  20. 40. The events of this person's life are recorded in the four Gospels.
  1. 1. With this edict, emperor Constantine made Christianity legal.
  2. 2. He set fire to Rome and blamed it on the Christians.
  3. 3. The period of Roman Peace.
  4. 4. He promoted the geocentric theory of the universe, meaning that the sun, moon, and planets revolved around the earth.
  5. 5. The "common people" (farmers, traders, and craftsmen) who made up most of Roman society.
  6. 6. He was probably the greatest expounder of Epicureanism in the Roman world.
  7. 9. The tutor of the emperor Nero.
  8. 11. He had a divine revelation on his way to Damascus that converted him to Christianity.
  9. 13. Known as the "scourge of God".
  10. 14. The tablets hung in the Roman Forum that became the foundation of Roman civil law.
  11. 15. "first citizen"
  12. 20. A historian who lived during the Augustan Age and wrote a lengthy history of Rome.
  13. 22. The wealthy landholders and noble families that made up the aristocratic class in Roman society.
  14. 23. The Senate gave Octavian this title when he "restored" the republic.
  15. 25. In 287 BC, this body gained the power to pass laws binding upon all the people of Rome.
  16. 28. A barbarian tribe that crossed the Danube River and settled in the eastern part of the Roman Empire.
  17. 30. These two brothers were from one of the noble families of Rome. They tried bring reform to the republic, but were both killed.
  18. 32. He taught that true happiness comes only as man frees his mind from fear and his body from pain.
  19. 37. A heretic who challenged the deity of Christ.
  20. 38. The most important and powerful body of the Roman government.