Roman Emperors

  1. 1. Pax Romana means a time of ________.
  2. 6. March 15th, 44 BC when Caesar was killed is also known as the _______ ____ _________.
  3. 7. Built the Flavian Amphitheater also known as the Colosseum.
  4. 8. killed Antony and Cleopatra. Became first Emperor of Rome.
  5. 10. Which civilization created the first republic, had a constitution and a triumvirate government.
  6. 11. The 1st Roman Triumvirate was Caesar, Pompey and _________.
  1. 2. Where was Hadrian's Wall built?
  2. 3. He was Emperor during Rome's 2 greatest natural disasters (1. Volcano Eruption at Pompeii and 2. Great fire in Rome).
  3. 4. First Emperor to persecute the Christians and blamed for burning 75% of Rome.
  4. 5. man who named himself dictator for life and created the 12 month calendar
  5. 9. ___________ tribes continued to invade Rome during Marcus Aurelius' rule and started the fall of Rome.