
  1. 3. taken in 30 BC,homeland of Cleopatra
  2. 4. island,part of the northern area of the roman empire
  3. 8. Backstabbed,Ceaser
  4. 10. ceaser,Gual
  5. 13. roman collapse,outside invader
  6. 15. split Rome,step son of ceaser
  7. 16. Between Europe and Africa,controlled by rome
  8. 17. held strait of Gibraltar,fell to barbarians
  9. 18. Biggest empire,Mediterranean
  1. 1. east rome,Greek
  2. 2. made in roman isreal,later main reilgion in empire
  3. 5. Italy,peninsula
  4. 6. Byzantine empire,fire
  5. 7. Tunisia,strait of Gibraltar
  6. 9. west rome fell,sacked rome
  7. 11. Founder of rome,killed brother
  8. 12. taken in 31BC,made the Byzantines empire name
  9. 14. mega-structure,Rome
  10. 15. Roman origin story,had greek gods