Romeo and Juliet Background Notes By (Noah Guilford)

  1. 3. Burned down in 1613 due to a cannon prop
  2. 4. Creativity over originality
  3. 7. Built the globe theater in 1599
  4. 9. Considered extremely poisonous, deadly
  5. 11. The Lord chamberlain's men
  6. 13. Shakespeare had to flee ______ for illegally hunting on another mans property
  7. 14. Globe refreshments (Entire meal)
  1. 1. Romeo and Juliet inspired modern musical
  2. 2. Shakespeare worked in a nearby town as an assistant schoolmaster
  3. 4. Shakespeare died ______ after his retirement
  4. 5. Shakespeare married _______
  5. 6. Queen of England in 1558 through 1603
  6. 8. Globe refreshments (desert)
  7. 10. Infectious disease that produced neurological disorders
  8. 12. Thrown at the worst actors