Romeo and Juliet Crossword

  1. 2. Romeo and Juliet are _______ ________ lovers.
  2. 6. The characters in the story showed many instances of _______________ throughout the story.
  3. 7. Threatens both families with a loss of life
  4. 9. Romeo and Juliet met at the Capulet's ______.
  5. 12. Who is Juliet's confidante throughout the play?
  6. 14. The love of Romeo's life, _____________.
  7. 17. The setting of the play.
  8. 18. The ______ banished Romeo after killing Tybalt.
  9. 21. Mercutio said "I plague on both your_______.
  10. 22. At the news of Juliet's death _______ _______ says "I will die with thee!"
  11. 25. Romeo committed _________ after seeing Juliets body.
  12. 26. Romeo and Juliet met at the _______ family's ball
  13. 28. Romeo's friend who was killed by Tybalt.
  14. 30. Romeo and Juliet died in the _____.
  15. 31. Thinks that Romeo and Juliet's relationship will end in a fued.
  16. 32. What Romeo thinks are prenotions of what are to come
  17. 33. Romeo was banished for killing __________.
  18. 35. Lord Capulet thinks Juliet is unworthy of _____.
  19. 37. The Montagues are able to sneak into the ball because they are _______.
  1. 1. Romeo calls Juliet at her ________.
  2. 3. When the Nurse arrives to Romeo she gives him a _____ as a sign of Juliet's love.
  3. 4. "These _____ delights have _______ ends."
  4. 5. what does Juliet use to kill herself?
  5. 6. Sampson and Gregory hate the ________ very much
  6. 8. "It is the ______, and Juliet is the sun."
  7. 9. Romeo's cousin who plays the role of peacemaker.
  8. 10. In order to see Romeo Juliet pretends that she is going it confession.
  9. 11. The Prince decides to __________ Romeo.
  10. 13. The theme of the play is a _______.
  11. 15. Romeo and Juliet ____ each other.
  12. 16. To scold or rebuke.
  13. 18. Romeo drinks _______ to kill himself
  14. 19. according to Mercutio what fairy fills your dreams with wild fantasies?
  15. 20. Romeo went to _______ after he was banished.
  16. 23. Juliet drank this so she didn't have to marry Paris.
  17. 24. Friar Laurence gives Juliet a drink that puts her in a ________ ________.
  18. 27. "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore _________ Romeo?"
  19. 29. Initially, Romeo was in love with ________.
  20. 34. A wealthy ma who wishes to marry Juliet.
  21. 36. the love of Juliet's life, __________.