Romeo and Juliet Key Quotes

  1. 3. "Hang thee, young baggage, _____________ wretch"
  2. 7. "O, __________ love!"
  3. 10. "Good Capulet, which name I _________ as dearly as my own, be satisfied"
  1. 1. "A pair of ____________ lovers take their life"
  2. 2. "My only love sprung from my only ______"
  3. 4. "My child is yet a ___________ in this world"
  4. 5. "These __________ delights have ________ ends"
  5. 6. "A _________ o' both your houses!"
  6. 8. "Deny thy father and refuse thy ________"
  7. 9. "Juliet is the _______"