Romeo And Juliet

  1. 2. The main place where Romeo and Juliet lives.
  2. 4. When was Paris and Juliet's wedding date?
  3. 8. [Literary Term] a literary device in which an author indistinctly suggests certain plot developments that might come later in the story.
  4. 10. When did William Shakespeare die? Write Yes)1616 or No)1656
  5. 13. Nurse's servant.
  6. 14. What is an old English called?
  7. 16. [Literary Term] _ _ _ _ _ Verse is unrhymed poetry written in iambic pentameter.
  8. 17. "A _ _ _ _ by any other name would still smell as sweet"
  9. 19. [Literary Term] A crescendo, the point of highest excitement.
  10. 22. Servant for Romeo
  11. 23. Romeo's last name.
  12. 25. "O! Art _ _ _ _ Romeo!"
  13. 26. [Literary Term] Irony that when the words and actions of the characters of a work of literature have a different meaning for the reader than they do for the characters.
  14. 29. [Literary Term] "Beg" "Bag" "Wag" *Not definition
  15. 30. Small shields.
  16. 32. Juliet's last name.
  17. 35. Shows the genre of the play with "this" at Globe Theater.
  18. 36. Took care of Juliet for 13 years.
  19. 37. A servant to Capulet and he was with Sampson.
  20. 39. After party, Romeo found Juliet at...
  21. 40. Who's reading prologue in this play?
  22. 41. High social rank.
  23. 44. Rude youngster
  24. 45. [Literary Term] Verbal _ _ _ _ _.
  25. 46. "Did you bite your _ _ _ _ _ at us sir?"
  26. 47. Servant to Montague.
  27. 48. [Literary Term] a figure of speech that directly compares two different things, usually by employing the words "like" or "as".
  1. 1. Lord Capulet suggests to make Romeo _ _ _ _ _ _ in Verona
  2. 3. Juliet's future husband and murdered by Romeo.
  3. 4. Juliet's age
  4. 5. [Literary Term] speech presented by a single character, most often to express their thoughts aloud.
  5. 6. Who's the author of this play?
  6. 7. When did Shakespeare born? Write Yes)1546 or No)1564
  7. 9. Romeo were vanished and moved to...
  8. 11. [Literary Term] story or tangible thing to represent a less tangible thing or some intangible quality or idea.
  9. 12. Romeo's humorous bestfriend. Murdered by Tybalt
  10. 15. Romeo's secret lover beginning in the play
  11. 18. [Literary Term] an opening to a story that establishes the setting and gives background information.
  12. 20. Who told a news about Juliet's death to Romeo? *Friar
  13. 21. Romeo And Juliet played at this theater.
  14. 24. What does Romeo and Mercutio wear to go to party?
  15. 27. "We are all punished."
  16. 28. Servant to Capulet and he was with Gregory at the first.
  17. 30. He's a Montague and a peace maker.
  18. 31. Is this play about Romance or Horror?
  19. 33. The genre of the play.
  20. 34. What is "Lack" in old English?
  21. 38. Thing that made Juliet sleep 42 hours.
  22. 42. He's a Capulet and he always wants to fight.
  23. 43. John Person who didn't send a letter to Romeo.