Romeo and Julite

  1. 2. Juliet's cousin.
  2. 7. The son of Lord and Lady Montague.
  3. 10. Romeo and Juliet is this type of play.
  4. 11. Ruler of Verona.
  5. 13. Romeo's cousin.
  6. 14. Character killed by Tybalt.
  7. 15. House that had a banquet.
  1. 1. What Friar Lawrence tells Romeo he loves with.
  2. 3. Technique Lord Capulet uses to get Juliet to agree to marry Paris.
  3. 4. Animal that Romeo rides to Mantua.
  4. 5. Main setting of the play.
  5. 6. Character who stabs themselves with a knife.
  6. 8. Caregiver to Juliet.
  7. 9. Character that dies from grief.
  8. 12. Means by which Romeo kills himself.