- 3. An intense feeling of deep affection.
- 4. Friar laurence conducted a ______ in order to carry out his plans.
- 5. Friar Laurence used his _____ to make a potion for Juliet.
- 7. What would Friar laurence be considered?
- 9. A person of higher authority or class.
- 10. Romeo and Juliet we're _______ to be together.
- 11. Romeo and Juliet wanted their parents ________ for the marriage.
- 12. Romeo and Juliet were both very ________ when they had to leave each other.
- 13. Romeo made a really _________ decision.
- 14. Romeo and Juliet wanted to _______ any issues with their families.
- 16. "O, speak again, bright_____! For thou art as glorious to this night, being o'er my head, as is a winging messenger of heaven" said Romeo.
- 19. Instead of Juliet getting buried she was put in her family_____.
- 21. Romeo and Juliet were never supposed to be together in a...?
- 22. What did Romeo and Juliet want to do, In order to confirm their relationship?
- 23. The suffering of Romeo and Juliet would be considered a...
- 27. There was a ______ between the Capulets and Montagues.
- 28. juliet's family vault was located in a ________.
- 32. What did Juliet say she was doing when she went to Friar Laurence to get married.
- 34. Juliet's parents were __________ because they only wanted Juliet to marry Paris for his money.
- 35. Romeo compares Juliet to a _____ at the party.
- 36. The messenger stopped on the ______ when Balthasar passed by giving the bad news to Romeo about Juliet's "Death".
- 37. Romeo said there love shall be like the _______. However, Juliet said not to wish their love on the _____ because the moon always goes down.
- 38. Romeo and Juliet would be considered both very ________ about their love.
- 39. Romeo could not go to Verona anymore because of his...?
- 42. There was a ________ in society when Romeo (The prince) became lower class.
- 43. Juliet was _______ to take the potion to be with Romeo.
- 44. Friar Laurence made a _______ to get Romeo and Juliet to escape together.
- 45. Juliet's parents _______ her when they tell her that she must marry Paris.
- 48. It was Romeo's and Juliet's _____ to end up this way.
- 49. What was Friar Laurence's job?
- 50. The Capulets and Montagues came together to have a __________ for Romeo and Juliet.
- 1. What did the montagues consider that Capulets to be..?
- 2. Shakespeare needed ________ in order to complete his arisatanin tragedy.
- 6. Romeo got ______ on Tybalt's for killing Mercutio.
- 8. Romeo and Juliet were both very ________ when they broke up.
- 12. Romeo and Juliet would be considered ________.
- 15. Juliet's family had __________ for her to marry Paris.
- 17. "Two of the fairest _____ in all the heaven, having some business, do entreat her eyes to twinkle in their spheres till they return" said Romeo.
- 18. Friar Laurence was __________ sorry for what had happened to Romeo at the vault.
- 20. Juliet had strong _______ for Romeo, not Paris.
- 24. What was Angelica's job?
- 25. Juliet thought Romeo was very...?
- 26. Where did Romeo find Juliet after the party?
- 29. Romeo and Juliet had a strong ______.
- 30. What did Romeo's anger lead to when he was fighting Tybalts?
- 31. Friar Laurence sent a _______ to give Romeo his message, however he couldn't get there in time.
- 33. Romeo was ________ to come back to Verona.
- 40. A ________ was on its way to Romeo for friar Laurence's plan to work.
- 41. Romeo felt very ________ when his best friend Mercutio died.
- 46. Romeo and Juliet both had many secrets that they never told there family's.
- 47. Romeo and Juliet met at Friar Laurence's _____ to get married.